Prairie Sage Massage is here to help relieve stress/pain in the body and to untighten your body in hopes of giving you a better sleep schedule and faster sleep response times. We provide massages based in Winnipeg with a registered massage therapist (RMT), who can help those with insomnia, anxiety, stress, etc. We hope these tips for sleeping faster will give you better insight into understanding how the human body works and will have you waking up with a smile on your face every day. Our company’s goal is to help get you on a better sleep schedule; this way, you can complete more tasks in a day’s worth and stay awake throughout the day.

  1. Make sure you are in a calming environment. Look at the space you are in. “Can I dim or fully shut off the lights in my bedroom?” “Is there too much or too little stuff on the bed?” These are all things you should be asking yourself; this way, you can fall asleep quickly and wake up fresh.
  2. Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Make sure you are getting the same amount of sleep each day, and are going to bed at the same time. Your body will recognize the change that is happening and will easily adjust to its environment.
  3. Avoid taking short or even long naps throughout the mid-day. Taking naps might make you feel more awake after you wake up, but when night comes, you will not be tired and will most likely be going to sleep later than the average person does.
  4. A good workout and healthy lifestyle at night will lead to earlier sleep times. Exercising is something that everyone should be doing, it helps loosen muscles, aches, etc. Exercising during the night will make you tired, which means you will also fall asleep faster.
  5. Avoid consuming/inhaling toxins before bed. This includes cigarettes, vapes, and alcohol. Sleeping should consist of healthy patterns, this means waking up every day, not having the urge to smoke, or having a hangover from the night before.

Prairie Sage Massage in Winnipeg strives to give you the best treatment possible. We not only want to help loosen the tension in your body, or relieve some of the anxiety you are having, we would like to teach you about your body. This includes talking about exercises that you can do to maintain a healthier lifestyle, and limiting the amount of product intake that you eat, drink or inhale throughout the day.