Massage Winnipeg

What Should You Know About Knee Osteoarthritis?

What Should You Know About Knee Osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is a painful condition caused by loose fragments of cartilage in the joints. The resulting pain can prevent the smooth movement of the knee. You may experience "locking" or "sticking" of the knee during movement or hear clicking, squeaking, or...

Massage for Back Pain

Massage for Back Pain

Back pain can ruin your day and prevent you from moving comfortably. It is a crippling condition that can affect your quality of life, but massage can help eliminate your pain.  Massage therapy is effective, and if you are looking for relief from back pain, this is...

How Long Do the Benefits of Massage Therapy Last?

How Long Do the Benefits of Massage Therapy Last?

Massage therapy is an effective treatment that can target a number of conditions. Reduced back pain, lowered heart rate, lowered blood pressure, improved energy, and increased relaxation are just some of the benefits you will experience after massage therapy sessions,...

Choosing the Right Massage Therapist

Choosing the Right Massage Therapist

Massage is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions if you choose the right therapist. If you are looking for skillful therapists in Winnipeg, you will need to follow a few steps to find professional massage therapists who can create the best treatment plan...

What are the Types of Massage Therapy?

What are the Types of Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is very effective, although there are different treatments, and understanding your options will help you determine which method is best for your needs. Most people have heard of deep tissue or Swedish massage, but there are many other types of massages...

What You Need to Know About Sciatica

What You Need to Know About Sciatica

Sciatica is the condition in which the patient has nerve pain in the leg caused by irritation or compression, or both, of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica begins in the lower back, radiates in the buttock and extends down the leg. What Does It Feel Like? Symptoms of...

Post Massage Therapy Tips and Care

Post Massage Therapy Tips and Care

After a massage, you will feel calm and relaxed, and if you want these feelings to last, there are certain steps you need to take to prolong your state of relaxation. Post-massage care is quite important, yet many people are unaware of this portion of their treatment....

Does Massage Helps to Reduce Stress Level

Does Massage Helps to Reduce Stress Level

Our daily lives can bring a lot of stress onto us. Whether we are moving houses or switching jobs, everyone has felt the pressure of being stressed. The problem is not just having a bad day here and there, it is the daily stressors that can really bring us down. While...

Know the Unknown Benefits of Massage

Know the Unknown Benefits of Massage

Most people think of relaxation whenever they think of a massage, and while it’s certainly true that you will have a relaxing experience, there are a number of other benefits as well. Many of these are unknown, so you will be happy to know that pampering is not the...

What Things You Should Know Before Getting a Massage

What Things You Should Know Before Getting a Massage

If you’re interested in getting a massage, there are a few things you need to know before you get to your appointment, so keep the following in mind: Make Sure You Stay Hydrated This will help eliminate toxins that are released into the body’s circulation during your...