Massage Winnipeg

How Massage Therapy Is Changing To Keep You Safe

How Massage Therapy Is Changing To Keep You Safe

Massage therapy has evolved significantly over the past few years as the industry works to establish stronger safety standards and build client trust. While massage has many health benefits, recent incidents have damaged the profession's reputation, leading to...

Should You Still Get A Massage When Sick?

Should You Still Get A Massage When Sick?

Is it a good idea to get a massage when you're not feeling 100%? Here are some things to consider. First, getting a massage while sick could potentially spread your illness to the massage therapist. Therapists work with many clients back-to-back, so passing on a cold...

Effects of temperature on muscle function and performance

Effects of temperature on muscle function and performance

We've all experienced how temperature can affect us physically, whether it's struggling to start a workout in the bitter cold or feeling sluggish in extreme heat. But what exactly is happening inside our bodies and muscles at different temperatures? Temperature...

What Should You Know About Knee Osteoarthritis?

What Should You Know About Knee Osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is a painful condition caused by loose fragments of cartilage in the joints. The resulting pain can prevent the smooth movement of the knee. You may experience "locking" or "sticking" of the knee during movement or hear clicking, squeaking, or...

Massage for Back Pain

Massage for Back Pain

Back pain can ruin your day and prevent you from moving comfortably. It is a crippling condition that can affect your quality of life, but massage can help eliminate your pain.  Massage therapy is effective, and if you are looking for relief from back pain, this is...

How Long Do the Benefits of Massage Therapy Last?

How Long Do the Benefits of Massage Therapy Last?

Massage therapy is an effective treatment that can target a number of conditions. Reduced back pain, lowered heart rate, lowered blood pressure, improved energy, and increased relaxation are just some of the benefits you will experience after massage therapy sessions,...

Choosing the Right Massage Therapist

Choosing the Right Massage Therapist

Massage is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions if you choose the right therapist. If you are looking for skillful therapists in Winnipeg, you will need to follow a few steps to find professional massage therapists who can create the best treatment plan...